Soul Journal
There is a mindful intentionality around the marker of a new year. The feeling of a blank canvas can open a pathway to clarity, alignment, and purpose, offering a reflective time to plant the seeds for the upcoming year. It's a subtle prompt to rekindle a sense of being fully present, both within yourself and in relation to the world
And I made you a special gift to do exactly that:
Soul Journal
The Soul Journal is more than taking notes. It’s a discipline to cultivate your interior life. As spiritual instructor Carolyn Myss notes, “Personal transformations require the inner work of self-examination, contemplation, and prayer. You must learn to love the interior life and all that it requires of you.” These methods “are still the best way to transfer your center of power from the external world to your interior world” (Myss).
At the close of 2023, honor what truly motivates you—what ignites your soul. Allow self-examination to awaken your True Self and nourish you.