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Reiki II Okuden is the continuation of the Reiki journey and strengthens this amazing tool for those interested in personal transformation, healing, and growth. Reiki II develops Reiki energy in hands and body and is the voyage into the inner healer.
Students will learn:
Business of Reiki
4 new Reiki symbols, including mental, emotional, physical, and distance
Distance Healing (sending Reiki over distance, time, and space)
Sharing Reiki with others
other Reiki concepts
This will be a special day of exploration, self-love, healing, knowledge, and personal transformation.
Our day will be infused and heightened with sound healing from crystal bowls and a Reiki gong.
Participants will receive a Reiki II Okuden certification, Level II manual, and sacred reiju (ceremonial attunement) in the Usui Reiki Ryoho system. Reiju activates Reiki energy in the hands and throughout the body, further attuning one to the frequency of the Universal Life Force Energy energy and enabling the practitioner to channel, guide, and direct Reiki for the self and others.
Prerequisites: Reiki Level I (students from other schools welcomed)
Class is from 12:30-4:30pm daily with a brief break. Students are encouraged to dress comfortably and bring a journal as well as cherished items for our sacred circle.
Contact LIVEMETTA to book.